The KBS 120 Mbh Split-System 4-Pipe Evaporator Blowers 10 Ton
The Split System 4-Pipe Evaporator Blowers (KBS) 10 Ton
A complete offering of field-installed accessories makes the Coleman split system evaporator blowers among the most flexible in the industry. From a quality standpoint, these completely assembled units include a well-insulated cabinet, a cooling coil with copper tubes and aluminum fins, expansion valve(s), distributor(s), throw-away filters, a centrifugal blower, a blower motor, an adjustable fan drive, a blower motor contactor, and a small holding charge of R-22. All product units can easily be installed for vertical or horizontal operation, as well as suspended in various positions.
Special Benefits:
● 10 nominal tons, with two 5 ton circuits.
● Supply air plenums, return air grilles, three-phase electric heaters, thermostats, steam coils, hot water coils, base sections, and suspension haredware are available as field-installed accessories.
These completely assembled dual circuit evaporator blower units include a well-insulated cabinet, a DX cooling coil with copper tubes and aluminum fins, two expansion valves, two distributors, throwaway filters, a centrifugal blower, a blower motor, an adjustable belt drive, a blower motor contactor and a small holding charge of refrigerant-22.
The units are shipped in the vertical position ready for field installation. They can be installed for horizontal operation by reversing the position of the solid bottom panel with the return air duct flange on the front of the unit.
This CSA approved blower unit with two (2) 5 ton circuits can be applied with the following condensing units:
● One H*HB120
● Two H*BA060’s